You've prayed enough, now speak it into existence.

"But Moses told the people, 'Don’t be afraid. Just stand still and watch the Lord rescue you today. The Egyptians you see today will never be seen again. The Lord himself will fight for you. Just stay calm.' Then the Lord said to Moses, 'Why are you crying out to me? Tell the people to get moving!'"

- Exodus 14:13-15 (New Living Translation)

I was studying Exodus recently and this passage stuck out to me because there's nowhere in the text, before Moses makes this statement, where God actually tells Moses that "they'll never see these Egyptians again" or that He will "fight for them". God did tell Moses that the Egyptians would chase after them & that He'd use this to display His glory to them (verse 4), but that was it. And it wasn't until verse 16 that God told Moses He was going to divide the Red Sea. So, in my mind, even though we're all familiar with this story today, at the time, Moses had NO idea what God was getting ready to do.

But he prophesied it. 

Moses spoke their deliverance into existence with these words of faith. And God honored them. God used Moses' words to work this miracle. In fact, God required those words in order to work the miracle.

If you need a miracle of any kind right now, your words of faith are how you partner with God to make it happen.

I've been building new "vessels" to receive the "rain" I'm believing God for in my business and recently I sensed God telling me that once I complete the vessels, it's time to call for the rain I'm expecting. Literally speak it into existence. What rain do you need to call for?

  • maybe you just built a website, call for an abundance of visitors!
  • maybe you just extracted some healthy eggs during IVF, call for the babies!
  • maybe you just finished developing your brand, call for the partnerships!
  • maybe you've been praying for money, call that money in! (or try just asking God directly for the thing you'd use the money for instead!)
  • maybe you just finished a presentation deck, call for the investors!
  • maybe you've been getting ready for your spouse, call for your angels to bring ya'll together!

It's not enough to just build the things. You have to use your words to bring them into the earth, into your life, into your business.

Now, don't get me wrong, prayer still works. But as we grow in our faith, I believe God starts saying to us like He said to Moses, "What are you crying to me for!? Use your words!".  God wants us to rise up into our full maturity as sons of God who can speak things into existence too, just like Jesus. So what are you speaking this week? Send me a DM and share, I'd love to hear it!


Still hungry? Eat some more //

  • John 11:4, Mark 11:12-25, Mark 4:35-41 → A few examples of Jesus speaking things into existence (or out of it lol)
  • 1 Kings 18:41-46 → When the prophet Elijah prophesied rain after a 3 year drought based on God's word to Him in verse 1. Remember, all you need is a word of God to stand on when you're calling your things in!
  • Zechariah 10:1 → Just a beautiful word to stand on if you're believing for "rain". 
  • This was SUCH a good word for any of you who are praying for a spouse! She gave a really great scripture to create prayer points from and, since we've been talking about the power of the Word, I had to share!!!

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