I'm done putting God in a box.

“This is what God says, the God who builds a road right through the ocean, who carves a path through pounding waves…'Forget about what’s happened; don’t keep going over old history. Be alert, be present. I’m about to do something brand-new. It’s bursting out! Don’t you see it? There it is! I’m making a road through the desert, rivers in the badlands.’”

- Isaiah 43:16,18-19 (The Message)

Got an email about a part-time job opportunity this morning and I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it 😳. If you’ve been rocking with me for a while, you know I quit my job this past spring at God’s leading to focus on my business full-time. And you know that becoming a Starbucks barista on the side was not an option for me lol But in talking to God about this position, I feel nothing but green lights in my spirit about it. It also didn’t help that I “randomly” stumbled on one of my old newsletters about God being committed to providing for me and, when I expected it to challenge me not to go for the job, instead it affirmed the fact it could just be one of the unconventional ways God has decided to provide for me. I’m still doing the work to get clear about it but right now this sentiment is echoing so strongly within me:

Don’t put God in a box.

I wanna speak to the religious, deceptive spirit that might have told you that going to get a job while growing your business wasn’t ok. Honestly, as much as I’ve jumped in and out of full-time entrepreneurship, knowing it’s my calling, I’ve definitely fallen victim to that kind of thinking— especially in this most recent jump. But here’s the truth: It’s ok if God says it is. And that’s the thing, that’s what God is trying to teach us in these situations and opportunities that come our way:

Find out what He says about it specifically for YOU and do that, whatever “that” is.

He very well may have told someone you know not to go get a job but what is He saying to you? That’s what you have to find out. Be assured though that there is no unwritten rule that says if God led you into entrepreneurship that you can’t have a job while you build the business He gave you. That’d be like saying since God provides healing in His word you can’t take any medicine. That’s just stupid and foolish. The only rule that truly exists is that God wants you to acknowledge Him in all your ways so He can direct your steps (Proverbs 3:5-6). Then it’s your job to be obedient to that direction.

Now I know He doesn’t always make the steps we’re supposed to take black & white. That’s when it’s time to pray, do the internal work to get clear within yourself, or maybe even fast if you have to. And then, if it’s still not clear, sometimes you just have to make a move in trust that He’s going to guide you— even if you make the “wrong” move— just like any good Father would.

No matter how you proceed, remember today that God loves you and is committed to partnering with you in this thing called business. His power is unlimited and there is nothing He can’t use to bring you into the full manifestation of His plans for you. So be sure to keep an open mind.

Still hungry? Eat more //
Romans 8:28→ Even if you do make the "wrong" move, God will work it together for your good.

John 10:27→ This is a confession I often say out loud when I'm feeling unclear or doubting that I'm hearing from God: "I am Your sheep, I know Your voice and another voice I will not follow". It helps me command my hearing and trust it.

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