God will help me level up my business systems this year.

“God blessed the seventh day and separated it as holy; because on that day God rested from all his work which he had created, so that it itself could produce.”
- Genesis 2:3 (Complete Jewish Bible)


I don’t know about you but lately I have been REALLY feeling the pull to leave my 9-5. I’m just so over being tired and feeling overwhelmed at everything I have to do and the little time I have to do it since my job takes up so much space in my life. I was sharing this with a friend recently and she encouraged me to get focused on building out my business systems -- rather than letting my feelings of where I wish I was take precedence. 

So yea, she basically told me to get out of my feelings and get in my bag, so that I CAN leave my job 😂 Aren’t you grateful when God brings people in your life that have no problem telling you what you need to hear!? 

Anyway, not too long after that God showed me this week’s scripture and, in this translation, it was my first time ever seeing the part about “so that it itself could produce.” That really stuck with me since I’m on a new kick to firm up my business systems. God is so dope that He created things that can reproduce themselves on their own. Like, how amazing is that?! And, as His children, created in His likeness, we have that same power.

That means you have the power to:

  • create systems in your business that operate while you sleep.

  • employ wisdom, technology and applications that help you do more work in less time.

  • build structures that enable your current or future teams to take tasks and run with them

So today, I wanted to share a prayer that I’m praying to help me get refocused and I’m believing it will be helpful to you too as you continue to level up your business this year: 

Father I thank You that I’m created in Your image, which means that You have given me the power to create works that produce on their own, just like You did. I will not always have to manage and oversee every aspect of my business but, with Your help, I will create systems that free me up from the “business” of it all to do more of the actual work You’ve called me to do. I thank You that right now you are revealing the areas that I can start to streamline and that You have already provided me the wisdom and resources to implement order within them.  Through Christ which strengthens me I will focus on solutions rather than problems and use the creative power you’ve given me to work miracles with what the resources I already have. I receive all these things and the rest that comes with them in Jesus’ name, amen.

Still hungry? Eat some more //

Genesis 1:26-27, Colossians 3:9-10, Romans 8:29, 2 Corinthians 3:18, John 14:12 Philippians 4:13

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