Give God room.

"Wasn’t our ancestor Abraham found righteous before God because of his works when he offered his son Isaac on the altar? Can’t you see how his action cooperated with his faith and by his action faith found its full expression?"

- James 2:21-22 (The Passion Translation)

Late last year I applied for a really great part-time job opportunity that felt like it was created just for me. The interview process took several months but I kept advancing and somehow, I started to know that I had the job. The problem was that, over the months that followed me applying, God had not only been providing for me in other ways (more than the job would have) but He had also been helping me come to terms with the fact that getting this job would conflict with the specific things I had asked Him for in my life and business this year. 

Soon, it became abundantly clear to me that if I didn't actually align my real life decisions & actions with the prayers I had prayed, I wouldn't be leaving God room to answer them. And I want to leave Him ALL the room ok?!

That's when this week's scripture and the concept of "faith without works is dead" became realer to me than ever before, especially in a business context. I can say I believe God all day long but if my actions demonstrate otherwise, I don't really believe. And God's power responds to faith, not unbelief. Period. 

So, once I realized all this, I felt so strongly about it that I just went ahead and wrote out my letter to decline the offer (that I hadn't even gotten yet, mind you). Why, that very next day, did the offer letter hit my inbox?! I kid you not! God be knowin'! 

If God is dealing with you about something you're doing or thinking that's contrary to what you've prayed for, listen to Him! He's only trying to get the very blessings to you that YOU asked Him for in the first place. I know this year hasn't turned out to be what many of us expected it to be but despite what's going on in the world, faith in God STILL works. So keep acting in alignment with His leading and watch these miracles come through.  


Still Hungry? Eat more //

  • This devotional is a good read if you need a refresher on how to get what you're believing God for by faith.

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