Get ready for acceleration.

"He made my words of judgment as sharp as a sword. He has hidden me in the shadow of his hand. I am like a sharp arrow in his quiver. He said to me, 'You are my servant, Israel, and you will bring me glory.' I replied, 'But my work seems so useless! I have spent my strength for nothing and to no purpose.Yet I leave it all in the Lord’s hand; I will trust God for my reward.'”

- Isaiah 49:2-4 (New Living Translation)


This is my second time taking the first Monday of the month to go back over the previous month's journals to reflect, pray & listen to God. It took 6 hours yesterday! But the clarity, answers & direction I received for the upcoming month was invaluable. I remembered some words God encouraged me with that I wrote down in my journal after last month's reflection time and wanted to share them with you in hopes that they will bless you too:

"Up here with Me is where you can see everything from a bird’s eye level vs being blind down there in the weeds. You need to spend more time up here with me and less time down there. That is how you’ll be successful and accelerate. It may feel slow but the reality is it will help you move faster and with more accuracy so there’s less stops, turn arounds, and recalculatings. This is the direct path to where you’re trying to go: through Me. Through more quiet, flow time with Me."

This new way of giving God more room in my life & business is different ok? Sometimes it really does feel pointless like our scripture says but I'm trusting that there is reward in it. I'm also sensing that I'll see that reward soon (and so will you!). 

That's why I love the visual of being "a sharp arrow in His quiver" that this week's scripture gives; especially as it relates to our wilderness seasons. That arrow is you [First Name]. You 'bout to be straight LAUNCHED! Ok!? Even though it may seem like you're just sitting in a holding pattern right now in some areas of your life or business, trust and believe that God knows exactly where and when He's gonna "shoot" you into your next season of purpose. And it ain't gon' take long. So keep surrendering to His ways and keep preparing. 


Still hungry? Eat some more //

  • Matthew 6:33 → Love this in the Amplified Classic Version because it defines "his righteousness" as "His ways of doing and being right". Seek His ways boo!
  • Daniel 2:21-23 → this is such a beautiful picture of what happens when we spend time seeking and listening to God

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